Category Archives: Kitchen

Ranch Kitchen Complete CHEZ MOI

Eat, drink and be comfortable with all your guys in the kitchen Ranch CHEZ MOI.
There is room for up to 10 people to enjoy the most delicious place in the house.

ranch 12a

– DINING TABLE: 10 LI | 11 Prims | Mesh
♥ Space for up to 5 people and its accessories will amaze you and your guests.

♥ Touch the wood of the table to access the scenes menu: Tea Party, Dessert, meat
dish, fish dish.

ranch 20

♥ Texture-change options: 8 “plaid” textures. Tap the tablecloth to access the menu with the options.

ranch 6a

♥ Several accessories to make the experience even more real: guitar, tray, wine, fork, fruit cake, coffee and rolling pin.

♥ Poses made by the best animators of Secondlife: eating, looking recipe, making cake batter, drinking, praying, chat and relax.
♥ 28 individual poses
♥ 8 poses for couples in love

ranch 7a

ranch 21

– KITCHEN AND STOVE: 43 LI | 51 Prims | Mesh
♥ It has room for 1-4 people, 2 in the counter and 2 people on the stove.

♥ The kitchen has 16 individual poses and 8 loving couple poses. Cook, fry eggs and roast a turkey in the company of that special person.

♥ The stove has 7 individual poses and one pose for couples.

♥ Click on the top stove doors so they will open and you will discover the delights that are being prepared.

ranch 4a

– REFRIGERATOR: 15 LI | 20 Prims | Mesh
♥ It has 3 individual poses.
♥ Tap the doors to open them.

Check more informations here: Marketplace CHEZ MOI or, for a closer look, visit our INWORLD STORE.