Honeycomb Shelves CHEZ MOI

Honeycomb Shelves CHEZ MOI

Decorate your home with these incredible Honeycomb Shelves.

♥ Honeycomb Shelves Oak: 6 LI | Mesh
♥ Honeycomb Shelves Light: 6 LI | Mesh

This release is available at CHEZ MOI MARKETPLACE, or visit our IN-WORLD STORE for a closer look.

Enjoy and Have Fun!

Spider Gate CHEZ MOI

This spooky Spider Gate is perfect for any scary scene.

The walls building pack comes with an iron gate + straight wall + post.
Posts, walls, and gates are modifiable and modular.

Specification and Content:
♥ Spider Gate (door open/close by touch): 3 LI
♥ Straight Wall: 1 LI
♥ Post: 1 LI


This release is available on CHEZ MOI MARKETPLACE, or for a closer look, visit our IN-WORLD STORE.

Enjoy and Have Fun!